IT Summit - Fall
Monday-Tuesday, October 11-12, 2021

SynerComm's 18th Annual IT Conference, in Brookfield, WI

Registration Closed


Biohackers exist and walk among us. Most security professionals would not allow users into their environment with offensive security tools. How do you address individuals who have surgically implanted such devices into their bodies.

I have multiple subdermal implants that range from NFC, HID/Prox and RFiD devices. This allows me to become the attack vector. In this talk, I provide a brief overview of the types of bio-implants on the market and share various case studies on the potential damage malicious biohackers can inflict.

I also demonstrate how I am able to quickly compromise loosely connected devices and open a reverse TCP Shell to a CnC server through my attack L3pr@cy in under three minutes.

Finally, I show how I steal HID Proximity Card Data and write that back to the implant. This avoids any physical evidence of a breach. This also allows me to gain access to data as well as physical access to secured locations.

As security professionals, we must anticipate the unknown. These include any individuals that enter our facilities or are simply around us in public. These types of attacks are becoming more common. A majority of security community are not aware they exist. Discussions on what was once thought to be science-fiction are now science fact.

Through continuing education on phishing and social engineering attacks, tightening MDM restrictions, endpoint management, behavioral analytics, least privilege and privileged access, we can take preventive measures around the threats we can't see.

Presented by

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Len Noe

SE-Technical Enablement, Infrastructure & Operations