IT Summit - Spring
Tuesday-Wednesday, April 19-20, 2016

SynerComm's 14th Annual IT Conference

Registration Closed


In this session we will discuss what we thought we knew about DDoS attacks no longer has feet - it's time to revisit our assumptions about existing security perimeters, typical service provider cadence, CDN capabilities and the severe consequences of experiencing an attack:

  • *What makes today's DDoS attacks more complex than ever before
  • *How to ensure your service provider's traffic scrubbing capabilities are a match for your needs
  • *Why DDoS vulnerability risk is more severe than you may have considered
  • *How DDoS is used as a diversionary tactic during advanced threat campaigns

Presented by

Arbor Networks logo

Tom Bienkowski

Director of Product Marketing
Arbor Networks

Tom has been in the network and security field for over 20 yrs. During this time he worked for large enterprises as a Network Engineer and for multiple network management and security vendors where he has had roles in Sales Engineering/Management, Technical Field Marketing and Product Management. Currently at Arbor Networks he's a Director of Product Marketing focusing on Arbor's industry leading DDoS Protection solution.